We’re pleased to announce today that Elissa Redmiles is the recipient of the Data Access Grant from Survey Research into the Privacy and Security Experiences of Low-SES Populations. Elissa is a Ph.D. Student in Computer Science at the University of Maryland. We’re excited to see what she makes of this unique data set. Stay tuned!
(For more information about the Data Access Grant, see the original call for applications, below.)
Oct 19, 2015
Call for Data Access Grant applications
One of the core goals of Survey Research into the Privacy and Security Experiences of Low-SES Populations is to seed the community of junior researchers working on issues at the intersection of technology, privacy, and socioeconomic inequality.
In the era of “big data” and widely accessible sources of “open data,” there exists a danger of assuming that the information that researchers need to answer critical questions has already been gathered and simply hasn’t been sufficiently analyzed. However, the kind of new and timely attitudinal and descriptive data that can be gathered in a large, nationally representative survey is both currently unavailable and unmatched in terms of its potential impact on the research community, relevance to current policy debates, and accessibility to the broader public.
The Survey Research into the Privacy and Security Experiences of Low-SES Populations project includes a “Data Access Grant” that will provide early access to the survey dataset to a graduate student. The student who is selected will receive the SPSS file and topline and crosstab files at the same time as the PI (and many months in advance of the public release of the data). There is no funding associated with this Data Access Grant (the data is what is being “granted”), but the student who is selected will have the unique opportunity to work with a valuable dataset that could form the basis of a thesis, dissertation, or other research publication.
- a brief statement of interest that should not exceed two single-spaced pages;
- a current resume or curriculum vitae; and
- a writing sample from recent coursework.
The recipient will be announced December 15, 2015, and the dataset will be provided in early 2016.