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April 10: Resisting Predatory Data
Join Predatory Data author Anita Say Chan, Emile P. Torres, and Timnit Gebru for an online discussion of the 21st century eugenics revival in big tech and how to resist it, moderated by D&S’s Maia Woluchem.
Red-Teaming in the Public Interest
Our new report examines how red-teaming methods are being adapted to evaluate generative AI, and offers a vision for red-teaming in the public interest.
Public Panel
March 20: Stories of Digitality, Infrastructures, and Resistance
Join us online as we break down confrontations between technological infrastructures and local communities and discuss how to reshape narratives of process, power, change, and futurity.
Participatory AI? Begin with the Most Affected People
“Eliciting impacted communities’ input can support true innovation by directing technology development to the problems identified on the ground — rather than those imposed from the top down,” AIMLab Project Director Meg Young writes.