Three more! Data & Society is excited to announce that, starting in September, a trio of postdocs will be joining the incoming class of fellows and practitioners-in-residence. They will pursue individual projects under the supervision of danah boyd, contribute to Data & Society’s research initiatives, and participate in the intellectual life of the Institute. We’re delighted to introduce them:
Julia Ticona is a sociologist who researches technologies of work, emotions, and inequality. With a passion for qualitative methods, her dissertation – Left to Our Own Devices: Coping with Insecure Work in a Digital Age – examines the ways that workers use personal devices to navigate flexible job markets and economic insecurity and deal with the fall-out of these conditions in their intimate lives. She received her Phd from the University of Virginia and is a research fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture in Charlottesville, VA. She’s a third-generation teacher and a graduate of Wellesley College. [website]
Kadija Ferryman is a cultural anthropologist whose research centers on the use of new technologies in biomedical research and health care. Specifically, her work examines the moral and ethical dilemmas surrounding the application of genomics to racial disparities in health. Using ethnographic methods, she examines how ethical commitments to accountability shape efforts to use genomic data to improve health outcomes. She holds degrees in anthropology from Yale (BA) and the New School for Social Research (PhD). Before completing her PhD, she was a public policy researcher at the Urban Institute in Washington, DC.
Caroline Jack is a qualitative media scholar and researcher with a focus on histories of media, technology, and capitalism. She studies the public communication of economics and business in the American past and present; social imaginaries of the American economy; and understandings of the economic self in networked culture. Her dissertation investigated the production and distribution of corporate-sponsored economic education media in the United States from 1974 to 1986. Caroline holds a PhD in Communication from Cornell University, along with an MBA and MA from Saint Louis University. Her research on the public communication of science and economics in the United States during the Cold War era has been published in Enterprise & Society and The Appendix. [website]