In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we at Data & Society have decided that the best course for our team and our network is to continue working remotely through the end of 2020. Preserving our ability to work safely allows us to continue to spotlight critical guiding expertise during this period of unrest and uncertainty. What this means is that we are moving out of our office space in Manhattan, and are shifting our operations and events to be fully online for the remainder of this year.
We are aware that this historic moment demands a robust response from all those with the privilege of a platform. We hope you’ve had a chance to join one of our online events, such as Databites or Network Power Hours, which respond to the pandemic while continuing to explore and interrogate the power and purpose of technology in society. We encourage your collaboration on and your feedback about how Data & Society events and resources can be more accessible and relevant to you. For event notifications, subscribe to our newsletter, which includes research and a weekly curated round-up of technology coverage.
We love New York City, and have every intention of returning to an office here in the future. In the meantime, we will continue to serve our mission of advancing public understanding of the social implications of data-centric and automated technologies. We look forward to welcoming you back to our space, and to continuing to strengthen and uplift––both online and onsite––this wonderful, creative, compassionate community of people who work to uphold informed, evidence-based debate about the role of data-centric technologies in society.
– The Data & Society team