Databite No. 150October 13 2022

AI in/from the Majority World Primer: Unscripted

Rigoberto Lara Guzmán Ranjit Singh

Sareeta Amrute

Dibyadyuti Roy
Kimberly Fernandes
Nicolás Llano Linares
Soledad Magnone
Vasundhra Dahiya

The outcome of a deep collaboration between Sareeta Amrute, Ranjit Singh, and Rigoberto Lara Guzmán (and informed by a range of feminists, Indigenous thinkers, anti-caste scholars, and Afro-futurists), A Primer on AI in/from the Majority World is the latest in a collection of research from Data & Society that reframes current understandings of AI and data-centric technology from a majority world perspective.

In this unscripted conversation, the authors and a select group of collaborators reflect on the production and editorial process as well as the strategies employed for achieving a participatory research product across languages and timezones.


Concept & Production: Rigoberto Lara Guzmán

Additional support provided by Assistant Producer Tunika Onnekikami