In the final episode of our season, “Becoming Data,” scholars Sareeta Amrute and Emiliano Treré join our host, Natalie Kerby, to discuss the concept and lived reality of racial capitalism. The episode explores how data-centric systems perpetuate racial capitalism, and how different communities, particularly in the Global South, have resisted this datafication.
Episode 5: Data & Racial Capitalism
Sareeta Amrute & Emiliano Treré

Becoming Data
Co-produced with
Public Books
About the Guests
Sareeta Amrute (@SareetaAmrute of @datasociety) is an anthropologist, associate professor at the University of Washington, and Director of Research at Data & Society.
Emiliano Treré (@EmilianoTrere of @cardiffJomec, @DataJusticeLab) is a senior lecturer in Media Ecologies and Social Transformation and co-director of the Data Justice Lab at Cardiff University.
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