Ingrid Burinngton’s talk focuses on the “slow cancellation” of the future: apocalyptic visions, and the ways that people manifest different ideas of the world ending. How do these visions of the future affect that way that we live now, and how do these ideas affect the technology that we create? Burrington hashes out different speculative futures and investigates what makes them desirable or inauspicious, with particular attention paid to Steven Spielberg’s Minority Report.
Data & Society’s Fellows Talks is a three-part Databite series showcasing our 2016-2017 fellows cohort. Each talk features 3 fellows speaking about their work, wide-ranging interdisciplinary connections, and a few of the provocative questions that have emerged this year.
Ingrid Burrington is an artist who writes, makes maps, and tells jokes about places, politics, and the weird feelings people have about both. She’s the author of Networks of New York, an illustrated field guide to urban internet infrastructure, and has previously written for The Atlantic, The Nation, The Verge, and other outlets. Her work has previously been supported by Eyebeam Art and Technology Center, the Center for Land Use Interpretation, and Rhizome. She also ran the Data & Society speculative fiction reading group during her fellowship.
About Databites
Data & Society’s “Databites” speaker series presents timely conversations about the purpose and power of technology, bridging our interdisciplinary research with broader public conversations about the societal implications of data and automation.