Cross-cutting Track

Technologies of Health and Care

About This Theme

Across Data & Society, research teams work to understand how health technology and health data are redefining how care is provided and received, both in and out of clinical settings. From employee wellness programs to telehealth platforms and online health expertise, researchers uncover the evolving and interdependent power dynamics embedded in how health data and technology are designed; used by individuals, communities, and institutions; and applied in health and medicine and other care settings. Through cross-team collaboration and partnerships, we explore how technology and automation are implicated in health inequality; how institutions, experts, and health care workers provide care in an increasingly digitized and algorithmic landscape; and how communities both receive and renegotiate the terms of these health/care interventions.

Focus Areas

Telehealth and Digital Medicine
From psychotherapy to medical care, more people than ever are receiving care online and through digital means. What does this mean for health care workers, patients, and access to services? How is this affecting relationships between those who provide care and those who receive it? 

The Datafication of Care and Technologies of Health Surveillance
Medicine and public health have always relied on the collection of large amounts of data. As new technologies expand this datafication, we explore the consequences for how people understand their digital and medical rights.

Care, Technology, and Community
Both online and off, technology can help people access and exchange  health information, and engage in acts of reciprocal care without relying on experts or institutions. What does this mean for trust in both healthcare and technology, especially among vulnerable communities?

AI/ML In and Out of Clinical Settings
As artificial intelligence and machine learning are increasingly being used in hospitals and other healthcare settings, how are medical workers integrating these tools and what might be the effects on how they practice? What are the implications for how patients are treated?