Noel A. Hidalgo, Executive Director of BetaNYC (@betanyc), will focus on empowering community-based organizations, NYC’s Community Boards, and government employees to understand how data, tools, and culture are unified in today’s civic hacking ethos. The ultimate goal is to develop a workshop that establishes a free, modular, and reusable curriculum that demystifies government and empowers communities interested in civic technology, data, and design.
Noel Hidalgo

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Data & SocietyIn this Databite, Mr. Hidalgo journeys through two fellowships — his Data & Society Fellowship and construction of a new fellowship for 21st century civic hackers. The first half of the discussion... Read moreJuly 2016 -
Data & SocietyD&S fellow Noel Hidalgo discusses his work in civic tech past, present, and future in an interview by James Burke who is with the Open State Foundation and the P2P foundation. To hear more about open government, civic ha... Read on Data & SocietyNovember 2015