Gideon Lichfield, a Data & Society affiliate, is a journalist focusing on the intersection of technology and democracy. He was previously global editorial director of WIRED, editor-in-chief of MIT Technology Review, an editor at Quartz, and a foreign correspondent for The Economist in Mexico City, Moscow, and Jerusalem. He was part of Data and Society’s inaugural fellows program in 2014-15, focusing on the use of speculative fiction as a tool for popularizing complex technological and social issues, and edited Make Shift: Dispatches from a Post-Pandemic Future, a short fiction anthology for MIT Press published in 2021.
Gideon Lichfield

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QuartzD&S affiliate Gideon Litchfield writes a short story called 'Democracy 3.0' Read on QuartzJanuary 2017 -
QuartzD&S affiliate Gideon Lichfield wrote this op-ed about the recent US presidential election Read on QuartzNovember 2016
QuartzThe gig economy, the platform economy, the networked economy, the sharing economy, the on-demand economy, the peer economy, the bottom-up economy… You’ve probably heard these and maybe other terms bandied about, often interchan... Read on QuartzNovember 2015 -
QuartzData & Society's Intelligence and Autonomy initiative commissioned authors to envision future scenarios for intelligent systems in four domains: medicine, labor, urban design, and warfare. The future scenario around labo... Read on QuartzJuly 2015 -
Data & SocietyD&S fellow Gideon Lichfield's short story for the Police Technology and Civil Rights Roundtable: "The year is 2019, and body cams have become standard for patrol officers in most police departments in the US. The cams an... Read moreMay 2015