Anthony Townsend, Senior Research Scientist at New York University’s Rudin Center for Transportation, will focus on the way new data are being used in academic research to decipher how cities work and how these new discoveries will be applied in local government. He will explore frameworks for engaging citizen scientists more deeply in these efforts to encourage less technocratic styles of data-driven research and governance.
Anthony Townsend

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blog post
MediumD&S affiliate Anthony Townsend gives a history of city charters. It’s pretty clear that Smart Cities 1.0 was always going to take cities in a bad direction — and its why I wrote my book. Cities have clearly responded, and ... Read on MediumOctober 2016 -
blog post
MediumD&S affiliate Anthony Townsend writes more on city charters and big data. The point is… what we now think of as ‘hidebound obsolete bureaucracy’ was no so long ago the cutting edge analytics and evidence-based administrati... Read on MediumJuly 2016 -
Academic Article
Marron Institute of Urban PlanningD&S fellow Anthony Townsend coauthored an NYU Marron Institute working paper. Abstract: The 21st century is being shaped by two global trends: the near-total urbanization of the world’s population, and the seamless integra... Read on Marron Institute of Urban PlanningJuly 2015 -
Academic Article
Star City GroupWe are living in the age of cities. It is an urgent time, and an uncertain one. Never before have human beings built so much with such haste. Yet we understand so little about how our urban world grows — and sometimes — decline... Read on Star City GroupJuly 2015 -
Academic Article
Public CultureAbstract: "Since the very origins of urban planning in the late nineteenth century, the field has aspired to establish a firm scientific footing for the nature of cities, their cycles of growth and decline, and ways that we can... Read on Public CultureMay 2015 -
Het Parool"Nu even concreet; hoe ziet dat eruit? "[D&S fellow Anthony Townsend:] Dat is moeilijk te zeggen. Maar we hebben het online niet op orde en we sluiten de wereld offline daar op aan. Om een voorbeeld te geven: vorig jaar le... Read on Het ParoolMarch 2015
MIT Technology Review"What does a city taken over by computers—or perhaps smartphones—look like? "[D&S fellow Anthony Townsend:] 'A city that’s taken over by computers designed by a big technology company is going to look like a machine. It’s ... Read on MIT Technology ReviewNovember 2014
QuartzSelf driving cars are no longer in our distant future, they're here and they're becoming more independent however, D&S fellow Anthony Townsend and NYU colleague, Greg Lindsay argue that this approach is "looking at the wron... Read on QuartzNovember 2014 -
Data & Societydanah boydKate CrawfordEdward W. FeltenTarleton GillespieMicah SifryAnthony TownsendJanet A. VertesiData & Society community members wrote individually about "Experimental evidence of massive-scale emotional contagion through social networks" (PNAS 2014 111 (24) 8788-8790) and the public controversy surrounding the study.... Read moreJuly 2014