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The ConversationFaculty Fellow Michele Gilman explains how the use of AI in welfare fraud detection often ends up harming the most vulnerable. Read on The ConversationFebruary 2020 -
The HillMichele Gilman calls for data privacy legislation that engages with an economic justice lens. Read on The HillDecember 2019 -
The New York TimesTechnology can often do more harm than good in humanitarian situations. In an op-ed for The New York Times, Research Lead Mark Latonero argues against surveillance humanitarianism. "Despite the best intentions, the decision to... Read on The New York TimesJuly 2019 -
JuristMichele Gilman argues for the inclusion of low-income people in the conversation around data privacy legislation. Read on JuristMay 2019 -
The ConversationMichele Gilman points out that data privacy is an economic justice issue. Read on The ConversationApril 2019 -
The New York TimesIn this op-ed for The New York Times, Data & Society Research Lead Mary Madden argues that there is no "one size fits all" solution to privacy concerns in the digital age. "When those who influence policy and technology de... Read on The New York TimesApril 2019 -
SlateDrawing on conclusions from the Data & Society report Beyond Disruption, Researcher Alexandra Mateescu discusses surveillance of domestic care workers online. "Online marketplaces may not be the root cause of individual ... Read on SlateAugust 2018 -
The New York TimesIn an op-ed for The New York Times, Data & Society Researcher Alex Rosenblat shatters the narrative that Uber encapsulates the entire gig-economy. "But this industry has, until recently, operated largely informally, with... Read on The New York TimesJuly 2018 -
SlateFor Slate, Data & Society Researcher Jacob Metcalf argues that we should be more concerned about behavioral models developed by entities like Cambridge Analytica, which can be traded between political entities, rather than ... Read on SlateApril 2018 -
MIT Technology ReviewIn the wake of Cambridge Analytica, Data & Society Researcher Jacob Metcalf argues that the real risk is the behavioral models that have been developed from Facebook user's data. "But focusing solely on the purloined data ... Read on MIT Technology ReviewApril 2018