Solon Barocas, a Data & Society affiliate, is a principal researcher in the New York City lab of Microsoft Research, where he is a member of the Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, and Ethics in AI (FATE) research group. He’s also an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Information Science at Cornell University, where he co-leads the initiative on Artificial Intelligence, Policy, and Practice (AIPP). His research explores ethical and policy issues in artificial intelligence, particularly fairness in machine learning, methods for bringing accountability to automated decision-making, and the privacy implications of inference. Barocas is co-author of the textbook Fairness and Machine Learning: Limitations and Opportunities and co-founded the ACM conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT).
Solon Barocas

All Work
Academic Article
Fordham Law ReviewThis paper is a response to calls for explainable machines by Data & Society Postdoctoral Scholar Andrew Selbst and Affiliate Solon Barocas. "We argue that calls for explainable machines have failed to recognize the connec... Read on Fordham Law ReviewMarch 2018 -
Academic Article
ACM.orgD&S founder and President danah boyd & affiliate Solon Barocas investigate the practice of ethics in data science. "Critical commentary on data science has converged on a worrisome idea: that data scientists do not r... Read on ACM.orgNovember 2017 -
Academic Article
Wiley Online LibraryJune 2017 -
Academic Article
PLOS Computational BiologyMatthew ZookSolon Barocasdanah boydKate CrawfordEmily F. KellerSeeta Peña GangadharanAlyssa GoodmanRachelle HollanderBarbara A. KoenigJacob MetcalfArvind NarayananAlondra NelsonFrank PasqualeMatthew Zook, D&S affiliate Solon Barocas, D&S founder danah boyd, D&S affiliate Kate Crawford, Emily Keller, D&S affiliate Seeta Peña Gangadharan, Alyssa Goldman, Rachelle Hollander, Barbara A. Koenig, D&S researcher Jacob Met... Read on PLOS Computational BiologyMarch 2017 -
Data & Society"Discriminating Tastes" examines how bias may creep into evaluations of Uber drivers through consumer-sourced rating systems. Read moreOctober 2016 -
Academic Article
SSRNSarah Bird, Fernando Diaz, Hanna Wallach, with D&S affiliates Solon Barocas and Kate Crawford, wrote this analysis about implications in autonomous experimentation in AI. In the field of computer science, large-scale exp... Read on SSRNOctober 2016 -
Harvard Business ReviewD&S affiliate Solon Barocas and D&S fellow Karen Levy examine a concept called refractive surveillance, which is when surveillance of one group impacts another. Debates about consumer privacy have largely missed the fa... Read on Harvard Business ReviewAugust 2016 -
blog post
Balkin.blogspot.comReflections from D&S Affiliate Solon Barocas and Advisors Edward W. Felten and Joel Reidenberg on the recent “Unlocking the Black Box” Conference held on April 2 at Yale Law School: Our work on accountable algorithms shows... Read on Balkin.blogspot.comApril 2016 -
Academic Article
University of Pennsylvania Law ReviewD&S Affiliate Solon Barocas and Advisors Edward W. Felten and Joel Reidenberg collaborate on a paper outlining the importance of algorithmic accountability and fairness, proposing several tools that can be used when designi... Read on University of Pennsylvania Law ReviewMarch 2016 -
Data & SocietyThis primer provides a basic overview to some of the core concepts underpinning the “big data” phenomenon and the practice of data mining. Read moreOctober 2014