Mikaela Pitcan is an alumnus of Data & Society. She is a social scientist and mental health clinician. Her areas of research include the impact of technology on learning, the ways in which technological systems impact decision-making and influence the connection between prejudice and discriminatory behavior. Mikaela also explores the impact of racially discriminatory experiences on individuals within the workplace as well as institutions of higher learning. She works to interpret technology’s influence through a psychological lens and create avenues of communication between researchers, product developers, and educators. She holds a BS in psychology from the University of Florida, a MS.Ed in Mental Health Counseling from Fordham University Graduate School of Education and is currently a doctoral candidate in Counseling Psychology at Fordham University
Mikaela Pitcan

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blog post
PointsIncreasingly, technology's impact on infrastructure is becoming a health concern. In this Points piece, Data & Society Researchers Mikaela Pitcan, Alex Rosenblat, Mary Madden, and Kadija Ferryman tease out why this intersec... Read on PointsSeptember 2018 -
Academic Article
Journal of Computer-Mediated CommunicationIn this study, Data & Society Founder and President danah boyd, Affiliate Alice Marwick, and Researcher Mikaela Pitcan interviewed ask, how do young people of low socio-economic status in NYC manage their impressions online... Read on Journal of Computer-Mediated CommunicationApril 2018 -
Data & SocietyFairness in Precision Medicine is the first report to deeply examine the potential for biased and discriminatory outcomes in the emerging field of precision medicine; "the effort to collect, integrate and analyze multiple sources of data in order to develop individualized insights about health and disease." Read moreFebruary 2018 -
Data & SocietyThe Precision Medicine National Actor Map is the first visualization of the three major national precision medicine projects--All of Us Research Program, My Research Legacy, Project Baseline--and the network of institutions connected to them as grantees and sub-grantees. The map was developed for the Fairness in Precision Medicine initiative at Data & Society. Read moreFebruary 2018 -
Data & SocietyWhat is Precision Medicine? is a general audience white paper by Dr. Kadija Ferryman and Mikaela Pitcan that introduces and outlines the emerging field of precision medicine; the effort to collect, integrate and analyze multiple sources of data in order to develop individualized insights about health and disease. Read moreFebruary 2018 -
blog post
PointsWhat is the impact of knowing your genetic risk information? Data & Society Researcher Mikaela Pitcan explores the effects for Points. "As genetic risk and other health data become more widely available, insights from re... Read on PointsFebruary 2018 -
Data & SocietyD&S researcher Monica Bulger, with Patrick McCormick and D&S research analyst Mikaela Pitcan, writes this working paper detailing the "Legacy of inBloom". Although inBloom closed in 2014, it ignited a public discussion... Read moreFebruary 2017 -
blog post
Enabling Connected LearningD&S research analyst Mikaela Pitcan discusses how missing data can impact how students with mental health conditions. The areas in which data are lacking communicate priorities. However, without concrete data to show a nee... Read on Enabling Connected LearningOctober 2016 -
blog post
MediumIn “Class or Race: The Factor that Matters More for Equity,” D&S research analyst Mikaela Pitcan tackles the question of whether racial or class diversity should be considered the most important indicator of equity. Pitcan ... Read on MediumAugust 2016 -
blog post
MediumD&S research analyst Mikaela Pitcan wrote a brief overview discussing student data privacy. Student data privacy conversations center on concerns regarding the safeguarding of data collected in educational settings. These ... Read on MediumJuly 2016